Best Birthday-Month Eve Date Ever

My wife's birthday is next month, and seeing as how it's the last day of this month, it makes it her Birthday-Month Eve.
The last day I have any say in anything, for a month, according to her.
So we head out for a date in the city. We could have gone anywhere, but found ourselves in Japantown.
Things of note: The handsome taiko drum player who stole the show at last year's International Taiko Festival, Ryan, works at the local purikura store, Pika Pika. My wife recognized him immediately. Oh, yes. "That's the hot taiko drummer!" We said "hi" and he was nice. We'll probably see him perform again this year in Berkeley.
Namie Amuro released a new album, and her face is all over the magazine covers. (Which is all right by me, I love Namie.)
I picked up a couple of the pens I've been meaning to try out. A Copic Multiliner, and a Uniball Signo 0.38.
And, best of all, I finally got a Tachikoma! I've been lusting after these for years! I'm pretty much beside myself with delight. Off to find some natural oil for my new little friend.