Backup of David's Livejournal

Guitar Hero III Musings

You'd think that after beating Lou on one level, it'd be easier to go back and get five stars on Raining Blood on the previous level. Phooey.

I'm getting old. I look at "Through the Fire and Flames" even on Medium, and think to myself that I don't even want to bother.
Tags: games


 pastilla on Jan 22nd 2008 at 7:29 PM
:: convincing anime character voice tone :: Gambatte, ne? (Slash is waiting for you.)

 dblume on Jan 22nd 2008 at 11:55 PM
Thanks! Slash is waiting for me on the next level up. Lou's the final boss of each level. My problem is that I go back to the earlier level and get 5-star scores on all the songs in the hopes that it'll earn me a goodie.

 pastilla on Jan 23rd 2008 at 12:54 AM
:: chuckles :: "Lou's the final boss of each level" Heh, heh, yeah, that's what he WANTS you to think . . . :: slowly lifts fingertips, revealing deep, strummed-for-Slash scars ::

 dblume on Jan 27th 2008 at 6:41 AM
Just so you know: I'm now proudly in possession of a new Bat Guitar! (Yea! You do get something for getting all 5-star ratings.)

 pastilla on Jan 27th 2008 at 4:09 PM
kurii *faints*. Wants to know how you fare on "Through the Fire and Flames."

 dblume on Jan 27th 2008 at 5:50 PM
Happily, you don't have to get 5-stars on "Through the Fire and the Flames" to earn the Bat Guitar! Otherwise, I wouldn't have it.

 halophoenix on Jan 22nd 2008 at 7:57 PM
Hah! This weekend we spent some time with friends who happened to have mastered GH II, III, and Encore, and they've kind of rekindled our passion for the game. We were the ones to introduce them to GH II, and now they're all over us...I think we have some practicing to do. We went ahead and picked up II again and are taking turns wailing through it, but I hear you should just start on Medium and skip easy altogether, what do you think? :D

 dblume on Jan 22nd 2008 at 11:58 PM
Yeah, the only reason to play easy is for the spare change in career mode that you can spend in the shop. Easy's frustrating because you want to strum along with the song. I can't claim to be any good at hard though. I need to work that finger positioning a little better. (I also tend to forget hammer-ons, etc.)