Backup of David's Livejournal

HBD from Yahoo!

On your birthday, go to your page, and see if you get a nice message with a tiny craptastic pixellated mess right next to it.

What, exactly, is that yellow, green and orange splotch supposed to be?  A putrescent jack-o-lantern with U.S.S.R. carved into it?

[note to self:  I thought I'd clicked the cross-post from vox checkbox.  Is this going to double-post in lj?]


 forestdweller on Dec 28th 2006 at 2:43 PM
Whatever you do, don't open it! O_O;;;

 dblume on Dec 29th 2006 at 12:19 AM
It fills me with trepidation. I eye it constantly. I can't wait for the day to be over and the little icon thingy to be gone.

 pastilla on Dec 28th 2006 at 3:46 PM
The Cold War lives! Happy Birthday!

 dblume on Dec 29th 2006 at 12:21 AM
Thank you! With all the fantastic clip art on the web, how could Yahoo not obtain a discernible icon?

 pastilla on Dec 29th 2006 at 1:58 AM
I shall not attempt to answer the rhetorical. Yahoo needs more rotating purple cakes.

 zannah on Dec 28th 2006 at 4:33 PM
Happy birthday!! It looks like maybe a fruit. A birthday fruit?

 dblume on Dec 29th 2006 at 12:25 AM
Thank you! Yes! I see other fruit now, not just gourds. Little comfort though, since it's still eerily luminescent.

 narilka on Dec 28th 2006 at 10:23 PM
Happy birthday! I think maybe it's a lemon with some nice decorations on it. or perhaps radioactive, or with the chickenpox...

 dblume on Dec 29th 2006 at 12:28 AM
Thank you! You and Zannah are on the right track. A decorative, luminescent birthday lemon. Still... I'm watching it carefully until it goes away. And then I'm disinfecting the spot. In case you're right about it being diseased.

 pastilla on Dec 29th 2006 at 2:42 AM

 dblume on Dec 30th 2006 at 4:02 AM
I shudder to think that that thing was silently watching over me the whole day.