Bwah! More hand grenades than horseshoes, I think. ^^ I heard about it yesterday and read it today - oh, I think I'll have something to say about it, I'll just let it ferment a little bit. :D
I would comment, but doubt I could top:
"Golly, you're sure an elitist little turd for someone that did this for what, 75 years before the new crew? Gorsh. Maybe your next post should be about where to buy that sweet pedestal. I hope it comes in glossy electricities because I'm an idiot!"
Well there will surely be some mud slung over this one. He got too personal, he could have just made the point.
It was a juicy rant though. I was on this bandwagon a long time ago: $120 CRT TV for a long time, replaced by a sony $350 27" CRT which will take my until HDTV finally comes into price range. Just inherited an ancient iPod from my nephew. I love it to pieces. Would it have been nice to have one a long time ago? Yes but I didn't need it. Etc..
Yeah, I've seen your iPod mini you loser. I just ditched my iPod femto for the iPod atto. Sadly, it looks like the iPod zepto will be the last in line. It only exists in an observable state when you're not looking at it.