Backup of David's Livejournal

Save a Tree

That's right.  You couldn't even pay me to take my printer off my hands.  Here it is.  Repurpose it as a Lego bot, you maker.  (Though, chances are, by the time you read this, I'll have to remove the listing from Craigslist.)

So, what do I do with all my e-Tickets (flights, concerts, etc)?  That's what pdfcreator and foxit reader are for.  I link to them at the bottom of my config page.  (Which I'll have to update for Vista, soon, I guess.)  If I absolutely have to print something, I can always take the pdf file to the printer.

Oops, did I forget to link a certain slow, bloated reader plugin from the creator of the PDF format?  Uh, no.  Love the format, hate their latest product.
Tags: geek