Stick a pin in it.
How are you doing? How are you feeling? For good or for ill, stick a pin in it, and remember it. There's much to appreciate where we are, right now, and it's good to have that ready to recall, when we want to later.
I just got my follow up results from another blood test, and I cannot shake my damned collision course with stroke and heart disease.
You get old enough, you see things happen to your loved ones. I've seen the effects of Alzheimer's, diabetes, cancer and sudden death. Between my own two parents, we're dealing with massive stroke and open heart surgery due to heart disease. I'm all for beating the disease and getting better, but some things are simply degenerative and terminal.
Know thyself. Be aware of how you are, regardless of how you feel. (I feel awesome, by the way. Nothing's holding me back from walks, skating, rock climbing, and playing with the wife and kids. I love my life.) It's just this fucking LDL cholesterol.
Find out how you are. Make sure your loved one know how you feel, or that they can find out quickly. (You love them. You have a donor spot on your driver's license. You have advance directives. You're fighting the thing most likely to take you away from them.)
I just got my follow up results from another blood test, and I cannot shake my damned collision course with stroke and heart disease.
You get old enough, you see things happen to your loved ones. I've seen the effects of Alzheimer's, diabetes, cancer and sudden death. Between my own two parents, we're dealing with massive stroke and open heart surgery due to heart disease. I'm all for beating the disease and getting better, but some things are simply degenerative and terminal.
Know thyself. Be aware of how you are, regardless of how you feel. (I feel awesome, by the way. Nothing's holding me back from walks, skating, rock climbing, and playing with the wife and kids. I love my life.) It's just this fucking LDL cholesterol.
Find out how you are. Make sure your loved one know how you feel, or that they can find out quickly. (You love them. You have a donor spot on your driver's license. You have advance directives. You're fighting the thing most likely to take you away from them.)