That's... That's Sukeban Deka!
Dredging for a silly B-movie, I came across Yoyo Girl Cop. Something about it rang familiar, but I couldn't place it. The title and artwork were so cheesey, I knew I had to watch it.
I was even mentally preparing for an LJ entry titled something like, "How bad does a movie have to be before I won't watch it?" The punch line would be, "Evidently worse than Yoyo Girl Cop!"
The DVD cover only has the English title. The movie, though, displayed the original Japanese title, and I could read the kana (not quickly, but I could).
"Sukeban deka."
That was so familiar. Wait. This isn't a one-shot cheesey movie! This was the latest installment in a franchise with a long pedigree!
How could I not have known? Reminds me of the time that had to tell me why Haibane Renmei reminds me of Hardboiled Wonderland.
I can be so forgetful, or just plain obtuse.