Time for Spring Cleaning

So, here are the tasks for Spring Cleaning this year:
- Download my personalized Zeitgeist.pm, being careful to maintain the unix line-terminating character. (0x0A) Download the list files and some test log files.
- Lock the files so I don't accidentally change the line-termination, or make a modification I can't easily back out of. (I use CVS, but this is work "on the side" in-between commits.)
- Install FoxServ
- Connect to localhost, just to make sure things are copacetic.
- Proofread and update "searchengines.txt" and "referrerexclusions.txt" with the approved new entries.
- Add documentation directly to zeitgeist lists, because I have to keep reminding myself what each field is. (Currently, the lists have no preamble.)
- Get the site's control panel working. (The raw logs are no longer written where the cpanel looks for it.)
- Rename the site from "Daddy Blog" which is now too generic. (Other fathers have been blogging for a few years, now. I'm not so novel.)
- Add win/loss ratio to the RPS site.