Backup of David's Livejournal

Trippy not in East Coast!

Trippy has his way with a squeaky toy lizard
Originally uploaded by dblume.

I took the family down to San Diego for Spring Break. At the San Diego Zoo, what do I see but a recent house guest of ours getting his groove on with another toy lizard in public!

Evidently, behind  halophoenix and  forestdweller's back, Trippy made his way to San Diego, donned a price tag, and jumped into a bin full of female squeaky toy lizards.

I pulled him out, and started to chew him out, when he squeaked, and security told me I'd have to buy him or put him back. I started to tell him that Trippy's not in the Zoo inventory, and that he actually belongs to a mannequin in Northern California, but thought better of it.

I put Trippy back with the girls and left. You win this round, Trippy.

I uploaded the enclosed photo without any editing. The EXIF data is exactly as the camera wrote. Note the date. Phoenix? Raevyn? Were you aware of this?

Tags: trippy


 forestdweller on Apr 29th 2007 at 1:31 AM
TRIPPY!!! ...This explains why it has been so quiet recently.

 halophoenix on Apr 29th 2007 at 2:10 AM
He must have assumed you'd tell us, because he just called. ...looking for money for the bus ticket home. ::sigh:: He is our guest, after all. Besides, we had more plans for him!

 davidd on Apr 29th 2007 at 6:29 AM
I'm quite literally in tears. From laughter... I think.

 dblume on Apr 29th 2007 at 8:33 AM
In all seriousness, we were in the Zoo's gift shop, and my wife was the first one to see him. "Honey. That's him. That's your friend the mannequin's toy lizard, isn't it?" We almost bought him, but took the obscene picture instead.

 pastilla on Apr 30th 2007 at 7:13 PM
Trippy: "mrsdblume, consider yourself 'On Notice'"

 sjonsvenson on Apr 29th 2007 at 6:11 PM
Oh dear. That's gone result in lots of young Trippy-hatchlings :) How long is the gestation period?

 pastilla on Apr 30th 2007 at 7:05 PM
Hmmm. My comment (posted a day or two ago) seems to have been lost in cyberspace . . . or . . . to vinylizardsabotage . . .

 dblume on Apr 30th 2007 at 7:24 PM
Or maybe not! I just noticed a comment you left over at flickr! And I've since changed my flickr preferences to notify me when a comment is made. Now I'll know when a comment is made.

 pastilla on Apr 30th 2007 at 8:24 PM
I commented twice, once on Flickr and once on LJ :) I will go back to work now, and stop pestering you.

 pastilla on Apr 30th 2007 at 7:08 PM
(previous comment) In the pile, there appears to be a lizard lady with yellow eyes whom Trippy left unsatisfied.