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wikis reviewed
Happy 9th Birthday, Website Mio
Whitelist You
Feb 21st 2006 at 11:25 AM
Attention World:
If your registration pages are going to email me, tell me from where the email will be coming, so that I can whitelist you right away. I don't ever want to fish through my spam box for false positives.
Thanks for your attention, David
wikis reviewed
Happy 9th Birthday, Website Mio
anime (34)
art (34)
bliteotw (2)
books (27)
climbing (7)
code (20)
comics (23)
dreams (6)
food (7)
friends-only (20)
games (15)
geek (72)
lists (24)
movies (37)
music (48)
no-context (2)
no-tag (10)
no-tags (88)
photos (10)
programming (75)
python (30)
reading (3)
solved (13)
toys (10)
trippy (7)
video (19)
web (123)
wordpress (8)
zen (3)
zombies (4)