Backup of David's Google+ Posts

I love it when different areas of my life connect. I've been a subscriber to Wired magazine, a comic book reader, a follower of MythBusters, CoolTools, and I am a contributor to the HexBright KickStarter. 

So I was delighted when I learned that CoolTools' Kevin Kelly was a co-founder of Wired magazine and released an online graphic novel, The Silver Cord, and that MythBusters' Adam Savage sometimes contributes to CoolTools himself. (Like this one, for the Weller Pyropen: )

Then, just today there was a recommendation from CoolTools for iFixit's Magnetic Project Mat, Heh, iFixit had also sung the praises for Christian Carlberg, the creator of HexBright. They go back to the days of NASA's Lunar Regolith Excavation Challenge.


sona kumar on Oct 31, 2012
best workfgjyufkfy

Zannah (ザンナ) on Oct 31, 2012
My brain!