Backup of David's Livejournal

Are you married?

For our wedding anniversary, we went to Teatro Zinzanni.

There was a skit where this lonely chef pulled a woman from the audience and chatted her up.  He told her she was so beautiful and so on, and then asked if she's married.

She answered, "yes."

He acted playfully dejected, then he looked at her table, and asked, "So where's the lucky man?"

She explained, "It's not a man.  My wife is in the seat next to mine."

The audience roared.  The lonely chef ad-libbed like a champ through the rest of the skit.

I love my state.

And I gotta say, Teatro Zinzanni wasn't bad either.  There's room in my heart for both Teatro Zinzanni and Beach Blanket Babylon.
Tags: art


 narilka on May 19th 2008 at 6:49 PM
I love Teatro Zinzanni. Sounds like you had a good time! And congrats on the Anniversary. :)

 dblume on May 19th 2008 at 6:59 PM
Why, thank you. Anniversaries are fun! I remembered that you mentioned going to the Teatro Zinzanni in Washington, too.

 extra300 on May 19th 2008 at 7:42 PM
And you will need to get used to such things. I was filling out my form for retiree medical benefits the other day and there was a space for dependents. I needed to check if my dependent was a spouse, a civil union or a domestic partner. That's the law in New Jersey. Officially we don't have gay marriage, but there is absolutely no difference between a civil union and a marriage except the name.

 dblume on May 19th 2008 at 7:59 PM
Legal forms will always have trouble covering all the cases. Even if gay marriage arrives in New Jersey, there's still a place for common-law partners. My children will have trouble checking the "race" box. C'est la vie.

 extra300 on May 19th 2008 at 8:17 PM
Not at all, they need only fill in however many boxes apply. We have several people in the office and in the neighborhood who have multiracial backgrounds and that's what they do. I have one neighbor across the street who is half Thai, half Italian-American and her son's father is Hispanic. When he was in kindergarten she told me that the teacher said his English was not perfect. She was upset, but I told her that her response should have been how many of the kids in this class also speaks Thai and Spanish?