Backup of David's Livejournal

C'mon and Zune Zune Zuna Zune!

Every time read a news report on the Zune, an old PBS show's tune goes through my head, and I spend the next few minutes suffering an earworm with the lyrics slightly altered.

C'mon and Zune Zune Zuna Zune!
I wouldn't know if the new Zoom has the same theme. I'd doubt it. You'd have to be a real old fart to know the tune I'm talking about.


 tpederson on Oct 24th 2006 at 11:29 PM
I remember the theme song. That was the show with the flubba-wubby code speak too, wasn't it? I think the theme of the show was "come on, it's cool to be lame." Revel in your suckiness.

 dblume on Oct 24th 2006 at 11:35 PM
You, Sir, are an old fart. Googling flubba-wubby will get you nowhere. Guess it wasn't that cool to be so lame.

 tpederson on Oct 24th 2006 at 11:47 PM
Muby bubad. Yubou ubare rubight. Thube uboffubiciubal lubanguubage ubof thube shubow wubas Ububbubi Dububbubi.