Gmail Notifier Disabled on other Windows Accounts

In my household, the four of us share some computers, and we all have our own accounts on them. Some of us use Gmail and the Gmail notifier, and some of us don't.
The problem: Gmail notifier installs for all users, no exceptions. So the accounts that don't use Gmail still get the annoying login screen every time the computer boots up. No one should ever have to deal with a modal dialog that doesn't enrich their lives.
My workaround is this: Use RegEdit to tweak the GMail startup behavior.
Remove the individual value from HKLM's Run:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"{<GMAIL'S GUID>}="C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Gmail Notifier\\gnotify.exe"
And for every user that wants it, add it to their particular HKCU's Run:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"{<GMAIL'S GUID>}="C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Gmail Notifier\\gnotify.exe"
That should now disable the Gmail Notifier on the accounts that don't want it.