Paint.NET Plugins

- - (From the forum discussion) Drop Shadow, etc.
- Feather.dll - From BoltBaitPack. (Better than trying to Gaussian blur the edges of a layer)
- EoEffects.dll - Evan's Effects v1.0 by evanolds. (Mirror and Quad Reshape.)
- Shape3D.dll - Shape3D by MKT. (3D Mapping onto cube, sphere and cylinder.)
- EdHarvey.Effects.dll Ed Harvey Effects (Extract Channel and Noise Removal, as suggested here.)
Never got it, but have considered Reflection by dS810, which would compete with Water Reflection by MadJik. Oh, but they're so Web2.0.
Also should seriously consider some selection based plugins like BoltBait's Selection Tools.
Maybe I should update my config page with this info...