Backup of David's Google+ Posts


David Blume on Oct 25, 2011
No, no, no, Google+. I do want this image to be visible to the public, but it's only because I want to link to the photo in a reply to somebody else's post. Grr.

Elliott Noel on Oct 25, 2011
We used to call it "onionhack" for some reason that is now lost to me.

You have been eaten by a grue.

Zannah (ザンナ) on Oct 26, 2011
I can't tell you how amazing it is that you own this.

David Blume on Oct 26, 2011
+こんにちはザンナ That's only the half of it. I once almost lost a girlfriend to the game, as I was playing it while we were on a long-distance phone call, and I was half-ignoring her. She caught me.

Ted and I modded NetHack and vastly improved the magic system at the time, but we never bothered to merge our edits into the official code repository. (There should still be our posts in the archives at, ([*Edit*] at the time, it might've been but I couldn't recover them.)

To date, I'm still proficient at vim only because of the navigation keys in NetHack.

NetHack instilled in me the "once you die, delete your savefile" game ethic I still use in MineCraft. Trying to play a saved game with a weak character can be worse than starting over. And it's fun to be genuinely afraid of death.

Ted Pederson on Oct 26, 2011
Yep I suppose I am a wimp but the wizard class seems almost ridiculously handicapped. We made the spells actually work some of the time.