Thanks to the workaround mentioned in LifeHacker (linked below), I've got a Google Plus Atom feed for my lifestream at:
Google Plus belongs to the family "journals" (so it's in blue, to the left in the periodic table at the top of the page), and its element ID is "G+."
Hurry, Google! Please provide us with a real Atom/RSS feed, instead of the stub Atom feed to Google Buzz you've put in our Google Plus profiles.
Create RSS Feeds for Google+ Profiles
Google Plus belongs to the family "journals" (so it's in blue, to the left in the periodic table at the top of the page), and its element ID is "G+."
Hurry, Google! Please provide us with a real Atom/RSS feed, instead of the stub Atom feed to Google Buzz you've put in our Google Plus profiles.
Create RSS Feeds for Google+ Profiles
Ah, I wish. I even make my own home_timeline munged with mentions_timeline feed from Twitter, so I could put that in a feed reader, too.
Aside from making your own, I doubt that a G+ stream feed is in the cards. (Besides, wouldn't you want to customize it according to circles, the way you can for YouTube feeds? And if you want visible-to-me items, you'd have to use authentication, and Google Reader doesn't support that.)