Backup of David's Google+ Posts

"You need to do something about your drinking problem."

That's what my wife said to me today. She was dead serious, too. She's concerned about my heart because I sometimes take in almost 300mg caffeine per day.

"You need to cut back to three times a day."

I gave her a crazy look. What was she thinking? At worst I have a Starbucks drink in the morning and a diet coke during lunchtime. (OK, maybe one more coffee at night.) That's a max of three times a day.

She meant, "three coffees a week."


Elliott Noel on Jul 18, 2011
"One more coffee at night" -> ur doin it wrong.

David Blume on Jul 18, 2011
+Elliott Noel You haven't seen the way I do it. French Press for Irish Coffee = Yum

Useful tips here:

Elliott Noel on Jul 18, 2011
Does this technique involve removing the caffeine?

David Blume on Jul 18, 2011
+Elliott Noel Is the falling cherry blossom less beautiful?

Elliott Noel on Jul 18, 2011
5 pounds of flax?

David Blume on Jul 18, 2011
+Elliott Noel Oh, it's no koan. The answer is: "No. Why would you think the other state is any more desirable? Life is too short to worry about its infinite imperfections, I will embrace and drink my caffeinated Irish coffee at night and die contentedly."

Elliott Noel on Jul 18, 2011
I was wondering more about how you manage to sleep after drinking coffee at night. :)

David Blume on Jul 18, 2011
+Elliott Noel I'm awesome at sleeping. No joke, super awesome, even. I'm constantly challenging my family, just to keep them in their place. I've never been beaten. (So far. The kids are on the rise and will be teenagers, and it is known that old people have diminished sleep abilities. Things may change.)

Chris Zamara on Jul 18, 2011
There's no harm to caffeine! Not bad for you at all.